Ebook: The Refutation and Analysis of Falun Gong
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ІSВN: 9781475933314
Date added: 26.09.2012
Аthor: Lao Cheng-Wu
Falun Gong, founded by Li Hongzhi in 1992, claims to have 100 million disciples. It continues to draw attention from people throughout the world.Lao Cheng-Wu studied Buddhism in Hong Kong for a number.
ZHUAN FALUN-The First Talk
The Refutation and Analysis of Falun Gong
Falun Gong – Wikipedia
Falun Gong (chinesisch 法輪功 / 法轮功, Pinyin Fǎlún gōng, auch 法輪大法 / 法轮大法, Fǎlún dàfǎ) ist eine aus China stammende neue religiöse
ZHUAN FALUN-The First Talk
Since November 2004, the Chinese version of The Epoch Times have published and heavily promoted a series of editorials and a booklet entitled "Nine Commentaries on
Falun Gong – Wikipedia
Falun Gong - Wikipédia
Truly Guiding People Up to High Levels. For the whole time I’ve been transmitting our teachings and exercises, I’ve made a point of being responsible to society
The Epoch Times - Wikipedia, the free.
The QuantumPulse By VIBE Technologies.
Falun Gong - Wikipedia, the free.
Falun Gong or Falun Dafa (literally means "Dharma Wheel Practice" or "Law Wheel Practice") is a spiritual discipline first introduced in China in 1992 through public
- FalunInfo.net - The Official Source on.
The Refutation and Analysis of Falun Gong
Chinese Gong *For international locations please click HERE. Type your full state name into the search box to begin
Le Falun Dafa (法轮大法 en chinois simplifié, Fǎlún dàfǎ en pinyin) ou Falun Gong (法轮功 en chinois) est une école de qigong , fondée par Li Hongzhi et
Falun Gong, tunnetaan myös nimellä Falun Dafa, on fyysisiä ja henkisiä harjoituksia yhdistävä oppijärjestelmä, joka esiteltiin Kiinassa vuonna 1992.
Falun Gong, which was taught in public for the first time in 1992, numbered over 70 million practitioners in China only seven years later, according to the Chinese
Comprehensive monitoring of the situation regarding Falun Dafa in China.
FalunInfo.net - Why is Falun Gong.